

What is a library? In a Post-COVID world, how will they change?

It is now over 30 days since I’ve been “social distancing.” This has radically changed my world and how I think about interacting with others. And for some libraries, they have also been closed 30 days (or more) as part of the effort to stop the spread of COVID-19. Many libraries and libraries systems have:

                                                              Edmonton Public Library (EPL)

  • Shifted their offerings to online spaces, including holding storytime, book clubs, etc., in online formats.
  • Libraries have licensed additional content for their communities.
  • Expanded licenses on existing content to allow for greater “at home” usage.
    Eliminated fines.
  • Made it easier for people to obtain library cards.
  • Shared newly free content with their communities.
  • Made greater use of social media.

What is not as visible are the changes happening behind the scenes. COVID-19 is having an economic ripple effect, which will change the funding available for our libraries. Yes, libraries of all kinds. While libraries are demonstrating their worth, during this trying time, they will be competing with many other services for limited funding after the pandemic has subsided. This will affect everything that libraries do.

The question is: How will libraries change? Read more at this link

By: Jill Hurst-Wahl – a consultant, speaker, writer, researcher, and educator. She is an associate professor of practice in Syracuse University’s School of Information Studies.

Source: Digitization 101